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1 A priest, son of Eleazar, grandson of Aaron (Exod 6:25; 1Chr 6:4; 1Chr 6:20), and ancestor of Ezra (Ezra 8:2). Phinehas demonstrated his zeal for God during the wilderness period. Seeing an Israelite man having intercourse with a Midianite woman, Phinehas killed them both with one thrust of a spear. This stayed the wrath of God against the people and earned a covenant of eternal priesthood for Phinehas and his descendants (Num 25:1-9; Ps 106:30-31). Phinehas accompanied Israelite soldiers in a holy war against Midian (Num 31:6), successfully negotiated a religious dispute between Israel and the Transjordanian tribes (Josh 22:10-34), and advised the Israelite tribes to attack Benjamin (Judg 20:27-28). (1Chr 9:20) states that he was in charge of the Temple gatekeepers. His home was in Gibeah (Josh 24:33). 2 A priest, the son of Eli (1Sam 1:3). He and his brother Hophni abused their priestly office at Shiloh, for which they were condemned (1Sam 2:12-36). Both were killed in battle at Aphek by the Philistines who captured the Ark (1Sam 4:11). On hearing the tragic news, Phinehas’s wife gave birth to Ichabod. 3 The father of the priest Eleazar (Ezra 8:33; 1Esd 8:63).